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This does not have to be you!
Hi, I’m Dr. Dave Candy, and I’ve spent the last 15 years helping people overcome chronic back pain & sciatica naturally without pills, injections, or surgeries. Now I’ve packaged the information that I’ve spent years learning, so that I can help more people, especially people that I’d never be able to treat in person at my clinic in St. Louis, MO.
In my online Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain At Home course, you’ll learn simple & effective tips that you can use to relieve sciatic nerve pain from the comfort of your own home.
Better yet you’ll learn how to relieve sciatic nerve pain WITHOUT:
Relying on pain medications
Having painful injections
Having dangerous & expensive surgeries
Making weekly or monthly trips to the chiropractor
Having to pay for massages that don’t last
Spending tons of time doing stretches and exercise
If you’re looking to relieve sciatic nerve pain at home, then you’re probably too busy to make frequent trips to the doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, or massage therapist.
And you probably don’t have hours per day to exercise either.
Stand & walk longer without sciatic nerve pain
Sleep better at night without being awoken by back pain or sciatica (plus be less stiff & sore in the morning)
Travel in the car without having to keep stopping to move around
Get on & off the floor to play with kids or grandkids
Sit at a desk without sciatic nerve painWork in the house, yard, or garden without “paying for it” later
Get back to their exercise routine without back pain & sciatica
Short, effective video lessons, most that you can watch in less than 30 minutes
Actionable tips that you can start using right away, without adding anymore time to your schedule
Written summaries of the main points from each lesson
An easy-to-implement “assignment” plus accountability check-ins to keep you motivated
Access to our Private Facebook™ Group for support
Additional bonus resources to help with the week’s lesson.
My name is Dr. Dave Candy, I've been helping people overcome back pain & sciatica since 2008. I've got a lot of "credentials" (a.k.a. letters) behind my name, which you probably don't care about, but the #1 thing you probably DO care about is that I can (and want to) help you relieve your sciatic nerve pain.
I'm a doctor of physical therapy licensed in the state of Missouri, but what I teach people in my online course is really so simple that you don't need a professional degree or license in order to be able to do it. I've come about these simple techniques over years of study and trial and error, and I've packaged them into a system that makes it easy for even someone with little to no medical knowledge to be able to use at home.
(Yes, It can even work for YOU)
If you do actually care about my training, I've been a certified athletic trainer since 2005 and a practicing physical therapist since 2008. I'm a board certified specialist in orthopedic physical therapy, fellowship trained in orthopedic manual therapy, and certified in dry needling. I have an in-person practice, More 4 Life , in St. Louis, Missouri, where I specialize in helping women age 40+ overcome chronic, nagging aches and pain (largely chronic back pain & sciatica) without pills, injections, or surgery. I've presented at local, state, and national professional conferences, and I've written a best-selling book called Chronic Pain, You're Not Just Getting Older, You're Not Crazy, and It's Not All In Your Head .
Basically, I've gotten good at helping people who others haven't been able to help.
The way I've done this is taking the time to listen carefully to people's problems and providing them with simple, easy-to-implement solutions that are specific to their problem.
The BEST solutions to a problem are often the simplest ones, and often when there's a BIG, COMPLEX PROBLEM, people think the solution has to be big and complex too.
So they try all kinds of complex things including:
different medications
several different doctors, chiropractors, physical therapist, massage therapists, etc.
spinal injections
nutritional supplements
various devices they buy on Amazon
online programs that are largely one-size-fits-all
...and for some people, these things help to some extent.
For other people, they don't.
Now I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that if you're on a website about How To Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain At Home and you've read this far down the page, then YOUR sciatic nerve pain is probably not 100% solved. Otherwise, you'd be out living your life and doing the things you enjoy rather than on your computer or smartphone reading this.
If you'd RATHER be doing the things you love instead of browsing the internet for solutions to your sciatic nerve pain, then why not click the button below to get started.
Stand & walk longer without sciatic nerve pain
Sleep better at night with less pain and stiffness in the morning
Sit in the car more comfortably
Get on & off the floor to play with kids or grandkids
Sit at a desk without sciatic nerve pain
Work in the house, yard, or garden without “paying for it” later
Relieve pain AND stress naturally without relying on medications
Eat healthier to fuel your body for recovery and maintain a healthy weight
Keep your sciatic nerve pain from coming back again in the future
The information in my Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain At Home course is in its own right worth over $2,500 (the cost of getting in-person treatment).
But considering the costs of ongoing use of medications, corticosteroid injections, or surgeries ranging from $15,000 to $100,000+ , the money you save by avoiding these things multiplies the value even more.
So How Much Does It Cost?
$2,500 Value
$625 Regular Price
Your Price Today ONLY $49
Click the button below to get this GREAT VALUE PRICE while it still lasts!